Qi Healing is a form of vibrational medicine involving a transmission of energy from practitioner to patient based on the theory of Chinese Medicine.
Over many years i was fortunate to have studied and worked with world renowned Taiji, Qigong teacher and Healer, Grand Master Dr Shen Hongxun who spent over 50 years researching and developing his system called Buqi. I gained my diploma in Buqi Therapy in 2007. This meant years of intensive study and practice of Taiji and Qigong to be able to develop and use internal forces to help influence and help heal other peoples energy bodies. That can then be used to direct Chi into the patient to help release and move out any areas of blocked or stagnant energy which is causing pain or in - balance.
There are many factors as to why Chi becomes blocked including long standing poor body posture, emotional and mental stress (historical or current) and negative thought processes. Chi Healing seeks to restore the balance and flow of energy withing the body so it can operate at its optimal level on both physical and emotional levels.
What Happens in a Treatment ?
After a initial consultation and discussion i will use appropriate diagnostic techniques to ascertain what the treatment will need. This can take the form of scanning the body of the patient by moving the hands around the outside of the body to sense what is happening or "looking" at where there is an in-balance.
The treatment itself takes place with the patient fully clothed either sitting or laying down and is non invasive. My approach is unique to the individual and i work intuitavely as to what is needed, generally the hands are sending out Chi while away from the body. The patient may experience sensations such as heat or coolness or as if something is "moving" through the inside of the their body and out. This is normal and is the bodies natural way of processing stale or blocked Chi which is now moving.
Afterwards many people report feeling lighter, taller, energized, clearer and positive amongst many others.
To help with the assimilation of energy some simple exercises and advice are given to continue the healing process at home and are taken from Dr Shens Taijiwuxigong System for self healing.
Many conditions can be helped through Qi Healing including :
- Physical Pain / Discomfort
- Emotional Trauma
- Headaches
- Stress
- Flexibility
- Negative Though Patterns
- Lethargy
Cost of Treatments
The initial consultation and treatment will usually last about 90 minutes and is £65.00 with each subsequent one hour treatment at £60.00.
24 Hours notice is required for cancellation otherwise a charge will be made.
The number of treatments needed can vary, sometimes one is enough, longer standing issues may take longer as we are all unique and respond in different ways.
For more information on Dr Shens Buqi System visit